The Norway Spruce is our favorite and best large evergreen for windbreaks in the eastern 2/3 of America The Norway Spruce is a fast growing (23' per year) evergreen that has dark green needles that are 1 inch long, and can grow up to 5 ft a year in a good weather year It never drops its needles but keeps them on for up to 10 yearsNorway Spruce trees will grow fast (up to 2 feet a year) and provide a large, attractive evergreen presence in your yard Wild songbirds will appreciate the cover and a food source This is a longlived, elegant and hardy tree with a graceful form Norway SprucePicea abies, or Norway Spruce, is a glorious large evergreen tree famous for its use as a privacy screening plant or windbreak Left alone, Norway Spruce reach heights of up to 40 feet Delivery available to New York, New Jersey, Connecticut & Long Island Shop our online nursery now! Varieties Of Wholesale Trees In Minnesota And The Midwest Norway spruce trees for sale in minnesota ...